Workout Guide
Before you start find out HOW THIS PLAN WORKS
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- Bending forward at the hip, keeping the back straight
- Press both handles backwards keeping the elbows close to the body
- Slowly lower and repeat
- Lying on your back place the band around your foot
- Bend the knee brining it in towards your chest,
- Slowly press away and repeat
- Anchor the band to the dirt and attach the ankle strap
- Standing on the unattached leg, raise the knee of the attached leg in front of the body to hip height
- Keep the standing leg slightly bent at the knee and lower with control before repeating
- Anchor the band behind you in line with your chest
- Press both hands forwards inline with your chest and in symmetry
- Slowly lower and repeat
- Take up a press up position (on your knees or feet)
- Place the band over your back to add resistance whist performing a press up
- Anchor the band behind you in line with your chest
- Bring your palms together and apart keeping the elbow slightly bent throught
- Anchor the band behind you in line with your chest
- Alternate punching arms inline with your chest
- Anchor the band behind you in line with your chest
- Bring palms together and then apart keeping the elbows slightly bent throught
- Keep at chest height
- Pull the band bringing your wrists towards the chin
- Keep elbows above your wrists throughout
- Pull the band bringing your wrists towards the torso
- Keep elbows close to the body throughout
- Pull the band apart bringing it towards your chest
- Keep your elbows slightly bent and arms fixed throughout
- Pull the band apart as you lower behind your head
- Keep elbows slightly bent and arms fixed throughout
- Pull the band apart keeping your elbows close to the body
- Keep tension in the band and slowly row forwards and back
- Bend forward at the hip keeping your back straight
- Keeping the arms straight, pull handles out to the sides inline with the torso
- Slowly lower and repeat
Anchor the band at hip height and bend the knees slightly keeping the back straight
Pull back on the band brining the handles towards the torso, keeping the elbows close to the body
Maintain a straight back and bent knees throughout, release the tension slowly and repeat
- Anchor the band at floor level and stand with the door at your side
- Squat and hold the handle, keeping the arms fixed
- As you raise out of the squat rotate the torso in the opposite direction to the band
Anchor the band you in line with your chest
Standing with the door at your side keep the knees bent, hold the handle keeping the arms fixed
Squat as you rotate the torso in the opposite direction to the band
- Standing in the centre of the band, cross the handles and hold below the knees
- Stand up straight and bend side to side without leaning forward or back
- Keep your arms straight and tension in the band throughout
- Standing in the centre of the band, hold the handles keeping your arms straight
- Stand upright and rotate from left to right without leaning forwards or back
- Keep arms straight and tension in the band throughout
- Standing on top of the band, hold the handles at shoulder height
- Brace your abdominals and rotate the torso in both directions
- Anchor the band at floor or ceiling height kneel with your shoulder facing the door
- Hold the handle, keeping the arms fixed and rotate the torso in the opposite direction to the band
- Rotate back towards the door in a slow and controlled movement
- Standing in the centre of the band, pull the band apart keeping the elbows slightly bent and fixed as you raise to shoulder height
- Slowly lower and repeat
- Standing in the centre of the band, raise the band straight in front of the torso keeping the elbows slightly bent and fixed as you raise to shoulder height
- Slowly lower and repeat
- Kneeling on the band hold the handles at shoulder height
- Press overhead keeping your abdominals braced and palms facing forward
Now that you’ve finished, WHAT’S NEXT…
It is important to finish your workout with a cool down. This could include 5-10 minutes of descending rhythmic aerobic exercise, using your bodyweight or your choice of cardio machine.
Then don’t forget your COOL DOWN STRETCHES