Why eat more?
We all know that fruit and vegetables are good for us, but why eat more…?
These are just a few of the reasons why we should all eat more fruit and veg:
- Fibre provided from these foods health to maintain a healthy digestive system
- They can help to reduce the risk of some types of cancer as well as other life threatening diseases
- They can help to promote stronger bones and a improved immune system
- They can help us to maintain a healthy bodyweight due to their calorie density and fibre content
- They are packed with vitamins and minerals, many of which are not available in other foods that we eat
- They are super convenient and affordable. Use them in your meals or as snacks on the go.
There is so much variation to choose from. Check out the examples below to try some fruit and vegetables that you may be missing out on…

How much should we eat?
The minimum recommendation for your daily fruit and vegetable consumption is 5 portions per day. Evenso it is best to exceed this whever possible I like to aim for 7 portons per day, this way in I exceed or don’t quite get 7, I know that my daily average for a week is at least 5 portions.
There is plenty of research now supporting plant based diets and it seems obvious that eating moe fruit anf vegtables can only benefit us. A study at Imperial London concluded that 10 portions per day is the optimum number for maximum health benefits.
Eating up to 800g of fruit and vegetables each day – equivalent to 10 portions which is double the recommended amount in the UK – was associated with a 24% reduced risk of heart disease, a 33% reduced risk of stroke, a 28% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, a 13% reduced risk of total cancer, and a 31% reduction in premature deaths.
What is a portion?

Try to eat at least five portions (400g) of fruit and vegetables each day. Aim for as much variation as possible, eating fruit an veggies of all colours. Fresh, frozen, dried or canned (in juice with no added sugars) can all contribute.

Easy ways to eat more…
Every week I try to make sure that I consume a portion of fruit and/or veg that I didnt have the week before.
These are my 5 tips for ways to eat more fruit and vegetables:
1. Make sure that every meal that you eat throughout your day contains at least one portion
2. Use fruit or vegetables as a healthy snack to have between meals
3. Make fresh fruit and vegetables smoothies as an easy way to consume multiple portions within one tasty drink
4. Substitue sweets for fruit. A fresh fruit salad or some fruit and yogurt are tasty alternatives to your typical sugary dessert.
5. Have side salads and soups as part of your main meal in which you can include portions of fruit and vegetables.
FRUIT Examples…
This is not the entire list, but some examples of the most popular and readily available fruits.

(fruit and veg images from halfyourplate.ca)
This is not the entire list, but some examples of the most popular and readily available vegetables.

Fruit and Vegetables can have unlimited benefits upon our health and fitness and should be a vital part of our diets.
Check out my e-book and Nutrition Course for more infomation and tips for your fruit and vegetable intale and find more nutritional resources at FAR fitness online.

A Nutrition Article
by Julian Dominique